Kamis, 20 November 2008

Quiz ( Genesia 24 : 1-31, 55-67 )

  1. Why is it important for Isaac to not marry a Canaanite woman? (v. 3,4) 2 Corinthians 6:14-17. Corinthians 7:39
  • Because the woman of canaanite don't belive to God.
2. What is even more important than him not marrying a Canaanite woman? 5,6,8.
  • That Isaac not go back.
3. Why? Luke 9:62 1 Jn 2:19.
  • Christians don't go backwards.
4. What did the servant ask of God so that he would know which girl was the right girl? -14.
  • Because he asked for a sign.
5. How soon did she come? 15.
  • Before he finished praying.
6. Did she know what he wanted?
  • No.
7. Why did she do these hind things (like giving him water and watering his camels)?
  • Because she was good.
8. Did you know that you are often tested like this too? Hebrews 13:2, James 1:2-4.
  • yes.
9. What are the two words for "kesopanan?"
  • Polite and Manners.
10. How should you greert someone from an English speaking country?
  • Shake their hand look them in the eyess say something nice.
11. How close is too close to stand to someone when you are talking with them?
  • It depends.
12. What if someone from that culture hands you something with their left hand or does
something that offends your sensitivities?
  • Don't be botheved it is normal there.
13. How should you eat?
  • Like them.
14. What if you don't like the food?
  • Eat a little, This food is very interating.
  • I'm sorry my stomack is smal.
15. What should you say to your host before you leave their home?
  • Thanks for the food.
  • I enjeyed it very much.

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